Our Purpose


Research is at the heart of what we do—gathering reliable information about what is happening in religious life today. Over the past four decades, the Institute has conducted groundbreaking studies on the movement of women into the role of clergy, the rise of megachurches and nondenominational congregations, and the assessment of trends in church membership. Changes in theological seminaries and national denominational structures have received the Hartford Institute’s careful attention, as have the dynamics and community contributions of churches. Institute personnel and projects have pioneered methods for the study of congregations, including an ongoing national multifaith survey that continues to gather comprehensive data on the nation’s congregations.


Communication of the project findings receives as much creative attention as gathering the data. Hartford Institute projects have resulted in an impressive list of books and an equally impressive list of news outlets where Institute findings and staff are quoted. From The New York Times to The Wall Street Journal to PBS and ABC television networks, reporters are likely to call on Institute faculty when they need to understand religious life in the US. Today, the web and social media provide creative new avenues for making research findings accessible to a broad public of religious leaders and concerned citizens. 


The Education work of the Hartford Institute happens in classrooms, workshops, webinars, and retreats, both at Hartford International University and around the world. Institute faculty regularly partner with seminaries, universities, and other agencies to share research-based education. Institute faculty have contributed to a national program of leadership education for pastors and denominational and religious agency personnel, as well as regularly addressing a broad spectrum of academic audiences.


Consultation with local congregations includes the Hartford Institute’s church assessment inventories (Parish Profile, Pastoral Search, and Church Planning Inventories). Hundreds of churches have used these inventories since the 1980s. We also consult with denominational research offices and other nonprofit organizations.