Encyclopedia of Religion and Society

Barrett, Donald N.

(1927-1987) Member of the sociology faculty at the University of Notre Dame from 1966 until his death; 1948-1965, sociology faculty, LaSalle College; President, American Catholic Sociological Society, 1967.

Barrett’s principal substantive interests were in the social demography of marriage and the family, particularly as related to fertility. In 1961, he published Values in America (University of Notre Dame Press). Between 1964 and 1966, Barrett served as one of eight American members of the International Commission on Fertility Control and Population convened by Pope Paul VI in anticipation of an encyclical on contraception—what emerged in 1968 as Humanae vitae . In 1964, he edited the volume The Problem of Population: Moral and Theological Considerations (University of Notre Dame Press), which was a part of the ICFCP study process. He was also a Vatican delegate to the World Population Conference in Bucharest in 1974.

Kevin J. Christiano