Mccaffrey, D. Augustine
(1900-1963) Earning both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in sociology from the Catholic University of America, McCaffrey spent 45 years as a member of the Institute of Brothers of the Christian Schools (F.C.S.) and 21 years as a faculty member in the Sociology Department of La Salle College, chairing that department for 15 years. President, American Catholic Sociological Society, 1956.
Among Brother Augustine’s scholarship and research interests were those concerned with moral education among North American Indians, youth in Catholic parishes, and Catholic college men and race relations. He was Moderator of the National Federation of Catholic College Students. While he served on the faculty of La Salle College, McCaffrey was actively involved in social action projects with the poor and underprivileged in Philadelphia. He served on the Executive Council of the American Catholic Sociological Society. As Program Chair and Local Arrangements person for the 1955 annual ACSS meeting in Philadelphia, McCaffrey was responsible for the largest annual meeting in the society’s history: a tribute to his leadership among the city’s Catholic universities, colleges, and high schools. In his 1956 presidential address, he—like other ACSS presidents before him—exhorted his members to fear neither sociological science nor the scientific method but to embrace them.
—Loretta M. Morris